About Manypixels

Manypixels is World-class, global, on-demand design service or agency based on Singapore. Manypixels handled more than 10.000+ clients around the world with one of most fastest design deliverable (1-2 business day) and unlimited revisions.

Roles and Responsibility


[Adi Nugroho](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Hi%20Adi%20%F0%9F%96%90%20Let's%20talk%20about%20something%20cool) as UI Designer, Finish request task, 1o1 clients talk, deliverable design files as client request.


Shelma Karami as Project Manager

Hana Monika as Illustrator

Alexander Sidharta as Illustrator and Icon Designer

🏆 Achievement

Manypixels Best Rookie of The Year 2018, new joiners who complete dozen tasks with satisfying design feedback


Some Completed Design Task

*more design include copyright and credentials*

Learning Outcome

what i've learnt from manypixels was :

• I challenged my self to prioritize request task based on a few factors (easy to hard, urgency, design assets, stakeholder involved) cause everday i got 4-10+ design request.